Thursday, March 27, 2008


all hail! the dinosaur god
of all christian nations
who drinks the corn syrup blood
of aborted crack babies

who preaches:
“it’s okay to call
indians indians
because they’re all dead
or they never existed”

all hail! the dinosaur god
of every 3rd world cargo cult
who is never photographed
without a breast milk moustache

who preaches:
“if horses had gods
they would look like horses
but they don’t
because they don’t have souls”

all hail! the dinosaur god
of amputees and burn victims
whose mechanical phallus
always points magnetic north

let us drink
His pesticide piss
let us eat
His asbestos shit
let us breathe
His carbon monoxide breath

let us obey
and plant our own children
in the killing fields
if they would lie fallow

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